I was recently working with Plexus in AfterEffects – it is an amazing tool – but I missed the option to control individual points. That’s when I startet to write my own Plexustool in Processing.

With the tool you have many options :



> Linealpha

> Pointsize



> Amplitude

> Noiserange in X , Y and Z direction

> Speed of the movement

> Octaves

> Falloff



> max. distance for the lines



> Grid: control numbers in x, y and z -direction & distance between the points

> Sphere: number of points & distance between them

> OBJ: import your own 3D model as obj & control the Size



PVector plexus(PVector p) {

noiseDetail(octaves, falloff);

xnoise = map(p.x, 0, width, 0, noiseXrange);
ynoise = map(p.y, 0, height, 0, noiseYrange);

float angle = map(noise(offset+xnoise/noiseScale, ynoise), 0, 1, 0, TWO_PI);
versatz = map(noise(offset*2+xnoise/noiseScale), 0, 1, 0, amp);

float spx = versatz*cos(angle);
float spy = versatz*sin(angle);

PVector newP = new PVector(spx, spy);

return newP;